Version 2.16.8: (Released: November 20, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ !! This *IS* the LAST upgrade for the 2.16.x series of CSLH !! !! In the future, BETA releases will be released and tested !! !! for at *LEAST* a month before a stable release is released !! !! so that we can prevent multiple upgrades in a row as seen !! !! over the past month !! ------------------------------------------------------------------ - FIXED issue with google Chrome dropping chat sessions if the customer does not type anything for 3 minutes. - FIXED error reporting such as date() function warnings etc by setting error reporting to "error_reporting(0);" - Added option to Log out on the chat screen on admin. - added "shadowed" list of chatters/clients for operators that transfer chats to other operators not in the same department and remain chatting to that client. - Updated auto-login using "member services" link to auto log operator into support forms and member services. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, admin_users_refresh.php, admin_actions.php, functions.php security.php, xmlhttp.php, admin_chat_bot.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none. but BE SURE you have the database changs from version 2.16.4 ! Version 2.16.7: (Released: November 18, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - FIXED bug in transfering clients to different departments not refreshing and changing the departement.. - FIXED bug with operators that are not in the same department as eachother being able to see and chat with eachother.. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, admin_users_refresh.php, admin_actions.php, functions.php xmlhttp.php, DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none. but BE SURE you have the database changs from version 2.16.4 ! Version 2.16.6: (Released: November 11, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - FIXED endless reload bug with the list of users frame getting stuck with reload requests from the bottom frame... - Aligned top the powered by logo for the end session page. - added some help links. - added new layer invite. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, functions.php, admin_common.php, xmlhttp.php visitor_common.php, security_functions.php, helpwindow.php admin_users_refresh.php, login.php, admin_chat_bot.php, admin_image.php, admin_users_xmlhttp.php ( it is a better idea to just upload all the files except config.php ) DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none. but BE SURE you have the database changs from version 2.16.4 ! Version 2.16.5: (Released: November 10, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - FIXED Google Chrome bug!!!! fixed issue with Google Chrome not working on the operators side of the chat. - Changed the way the chatting tabs refreshed from being controled at the list of users frame to the admin chat frame.. It now runs a LOT smoother on showing/hiding chat tabs. - Added option to RE-invite a visitor who has closed or stopped a chat session. - FIXED issue with if a second chat request comes in the tab is not selected by default. ( The double tab frame refresh problem ) - Added option to Hide visior sessions in Ajax mode.. - For some really strange reason some characers such as "£" would get incoded as "£" added a replace to remove any Acirc that is before an idenitiy - FIXED issue with servers that do not allow the specification of sessionid name not showing the chat text on the clients side of the chat.. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, gc.php, functions.php, admin_common.php, xmlhttp.php visitor_common.php, security_functions.php, helpwindow.php admin_users_refresh.php, login.php, admin_chat_bot.php, admin_image.php, admin_users_xmlhttp.php, DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none. but BE SURE you have the database changs from version 2.16.4 ! Version 2.16.4: (Released: November 7, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Added a lot more color/background customization options in the departments settings pages. Operators can now change the color, backrounds and style of both the top, bottom and chat frames. - The layer invite now floats in faster.. it also will keep floating into the visitors side if the visitor browses to a new page. - FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, livehelp_js.php, image.php, colorchange.php, departments.php department_function.php, user_top.php, user_bot.php , user_chat_zmlhttp.php, user_questions.php, user_connect.php, leavemessage.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `livehelp_departments` ADD `botbackground` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `topbackground` ALTER TABLE `livehelp_departments` ADD `midbackground` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `topbackground` ALTER TABLE `livehelp_departments` ADD `topbackcolor` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `midbackground` ALTER TABLE `livehelp_departments` ADD `midbackcolor` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `midbackground` ALTER TABLE `livehelp_departments` ADD `botbackcolor` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `midbackcolor` Version 2.16.3: (Released: October 28, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - The layer invite now slides into view rather then just appearing out of the blue.. - Fixed hopfully forever the issue with browser_info.php file giving errors. ALSO FIXED THE ISSUE WITH browser_info.php showing the UA of the operator not the visitor - shortent the timeout time to end chat sessions from 5 minutes to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.. if a chatter closes the chat window and goes away the chat now disapears in 2 minutes and 30 seconds from the operators side rather then 5 minutes... - changed the default values of busy message due to mode security not liking "20%" - changed default of chat to AJAX instead of "auto" since "auto" sometimes has problems in google crome. - added option to skip the "busy message" and send the chater directly to leave a message if no operator answers the chat by the timeout time.. - Fixed issue with cocurrent messages sent at the exact same time by both client and visitor sometimes not showing. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, user_bot.php, functions.php, admin_chat_bot.php, external_bot.php, gc.php, department_function.php, offline.php livehelp_js.php, xmlhttp.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none Version 2.16.2: (Released: October 21, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - fixed php 5.3.0+ issue with split() function not being DEPRECATED changed all of them to explode() FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, external_bot.php, functions.php, image.php, invite.php, layer.php, leavemessage.php, xmlhttp.php, admin_actions.php, admin_chat_bot.php, admin_image.php, admin_users_refresh.php, admin_users_xmlhttp.php, client_visitors.php, data_clean.php data_keywords.php, data_messages.php, data_paths.php, data_referers.php data_transcripts.php, data_users.php, data_users.php, data_visits.php edit_quick.php, edit_smile.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none Version 2.16.1: (Released: October 19, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Fixed error with php version 4 and the class/browser_info.php as well as extra space at the end of the file that sometimes caused errors. - added option in settings to not use cookies for paranoid people. - added navigation option for fire fox add-on - updated client_visitors.php to version 2.5.2 - added - added optional typing sound when the customer (chatter) hits the sent button after typing FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, mastersettings.php, navigation.php , class/browser_info.php client_visitors.php, admin_chat_xmlhttp.php, external_top.php , external_bot.php, external_chat_xmlhttp.php, external_frameset.php, typing.wav, admin_rooms.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `livehelp_config` ADD `usecookies` CHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y' ALTER TABLE `livehelp_users` ADD `typing_alert` CHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'; Version 2.16.0: (Released: October 8, 2009) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - fixed issue with tabs on top of the users chat not selecting correctly. - tabs are now default off (deprecated feature but still supported in 2.x.x tabs shown on the top users side will not be in version 3.x.x ). - Added smtp_port option to master settings to set port - All passwords are now encripted .. no more plain text passwords - replaced browser info script with php 5.3.0+ version. - fixed php 5.3.0+ issue with ereg errors.. replaced with preg OMG there was a lot of them to change!! - FIXED issue with $_REQUEST array causing the chat not to work for clients side of the chat if cookie vars contain vars that mod_security does not like. - added new feature of easy changable header images.. also added cleaner default one. - New administrative interface which has a simplier admin and contains our offical logo. - New Member services section FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERY FILE.. best upload the whole thing .. except config.php !! DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE livehelp_modules_dep ADD isactive char(1) NOT NULL default 'N' UPDATE livehelp_departments set colorscheme='default' ALTER TABLE `livehelp_config` ADD `topframeheight` INT( 8 ) NOT NULL ,ADD `topbackground` VARCHAR( 156 ) NOT NULL UPDATE livehelp_user SET password=md5(password) Version 2.15.0: (Released: August 20, 2008) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Fixed SQL injection vulnerability (thanks to GulfTech Security Research) - Fixed Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilty with "department" in livehelp_js.php (see ) - Removed hard coded width 142px from generated HTML section.. - updated spanish lang file to use charset "ISO-8859-1" - Fixed issue with operator channels sometimes getting crossed with multiple operators are chatting (3+) - Fixed issue with being able to re-name operators. - Fixed issues noted by "exdiogene" : a) ablity to login with URI instead of filling the login form b) Problems with the international characters not properly displayed. c) Added Charset to operator settings to allow different charsets for operators. (Use new Charset type dropmenu in list of users online) d) Added more language conversions for users list in admin. - "Live help only" users can no longer change monitor settings. - Fixed Issue with messages that are sent at the exact same second as another person being lost in the chat and not shown. - Added option to transfer a user to an Operator rather then to a department. - Updated the admin list of users and chaters to have the option of - using ajax rather then refreshing. New Ajax users list type dropmenu FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- admin_users_refresh.php, xmlhttp.php, admin_users_xmlhttp.php, user_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_chat_bot.php admin_actions.php, functions.php, admin_image.php, htmltags.php, is_xmlhttp.php, autoinvite.php, helpwindow.php, live.php, admin_common.php, config_cslh.php, setup.php, mastersettings.php, security_functions.php, is_flush.php, livehelp_js.php, admin_users.php lang/lang-*.php files DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none Version 2.14.6: (Released: March 1, 2008) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Fixed Minor Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilties in livehelp.php, user_questions.php, lostsheep.php, and leavemessage.php - Added scrolling to department choice page. - added ability to re-name visitor ip addreses from admin. - when listing transcripts it now defaults to showing all deparments unless the user looking at the transcripts does not have access to all transcripts. - Updated online Docs FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- livehelp.php, setup.php, leavemesssage.php, livehelp_js.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none Version 2.14.5: (Released: September 1, 2007) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ another minor release to fix some small details of the 2.14.x release series .. - Fixed Issue with broken tab graphics on tabs with long names. had a bit of e-mail reuarding this issue.. it is fixed now sorry it took so long.. - Fixed Issue with time sometimes being very large such as: Duration: 48693 hrs 38 min 26 sec - Added click highlighting to the html code.. and changed it from a image link to a text link.. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, htmltags.php, livehelp_js.php, user_top.php, functions.php images/*/left-tab.gif,images/*/right-tab.gif, images/*/left-tab-on.gif,images/*/right-tab-on.gif, functions.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- none Version 2.14.4: (Released: July 1, 2007) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ minor release to fix some small details of the new 2.14.x release series .. it is all good now :-) - fixed "whatissaid" javascript issue. - Added try catch javascript for xmlhttp requests result .innerlayer calls this fixs the IE issue of sometimes saying "null is not an object" FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, mastersettings.php, user_chat_refresh.php, external_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_connect.php, admin_chat_xmlhttp.php, user_chat_xmlhttp.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `livehelp_config` ADD `smtp_portnum` int( 10 ) NOT NULL default '25' Version 2.14.3: (Released: June 14, 2007) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Upgraded the LC2 server file to version 2.5 - Fixed wrong navigation.css files in white,yellow and brown designs - Added Close mysql connection to the close of the session to try to avoid many sleeping mysql connections. - Fixed tabs in the data section to match color scheme. - Added htmlspecialchars to all textarea fields to avoid html conflicts FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- user_questions.php, user_chat_refresh.php, external_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_connect.php, admin_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_chat_refresh.php, admin_chat_flush.php, user_chat_flush.php, client_visitors.php, setup.php, user_questions.php, department_functions.php Version 2.14.2: (Released: June 12, 2007) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Updated the CSS of the tabs so that they are a lot easier to custom change the design of. now you only need to change 4 images rather then 12. - Added charset encoding to the xmlhttp request response which should solve the unknown character problem !! - Fixed mod_security issue with leaveamessage.php - Changed all the lang files from utf-8 to native lang charsets if you have trouble with encoding change charset in the lang/lang-[yourlanguage].php file. - Added ability to use external SMTP server to send e-mail using smtp host, username and password. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- xmlhttp.php, user_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_options.php, user_top.php, functions.php, navigation.php, admin_rooms.php, setup.php, lang/lang-*.php files (a lot of images in images/* were changed too) DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `livehelp_config` ADD `smtp_host` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL default '' ALTER TABLE `livehelp_config` ADD `smtp_username` VARCHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL default '' ALTER TABLE `livehelp_config` ADD `smtp_password` VARCHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL default '' ALTER TABLE `livehelp_config` ADD `owner_email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL default '' Version 2.14.1: (Released: June 6, 2007) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Sessions are now stored in the database rather then using the session file. - Fixed issue with No chat icon showing when NO auto invites are set to active.. - Fixed issue with missing attribute of type="text/javascript" for users side of chat which caused problems in some version of IE (sometimes??) - Sessions are now enabled by defualt now on chat icon.. This should help with the "0 page visit" and [ip address]_1 _2 people... - added some more try and catch statments to ajax calls in chat to avoid javascript errors during chat due to unloaded divs.. - re-programmed the xmlhttp request to not use the @if (@_jscript_version >= 5) conditional and it now just uses try catch which solves some of the IE 6 errors. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of them changed. DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE `livehelp_sessions` ( `session_id` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `session_data` text NOT NULL, `expires` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`session_id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM; Version 2.14.0: (Released: May 22, 2007) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Fixed Mac Browser "white space line" issue and auto invite not working for Safari browsers. - Fixed missing "view" array element in language files. - Fixed problem with default value for text and blob fields preventing install on newer mysql versions. - Fixed upgrade issue with auto-increment field {the get_identity() error} - Fixed valign on q&a mod so that the question folders are aligned to the top.. - The scratch space now does NOT allow html characters to prevent operators from causing havic - Fixed "keep getting logged out" error by deprecating match ip to session feature and deprecating option not to use sessions.. - deprecated flush() and refresh default chat modes... They still exist in the installation but are only used if AJAX fails which because of browsers these days that is doubtful.. This Fixes some users "white screen" chat problems and users shooting selfs in foot. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of them changed... but most important is mastersettings.php, navigation.php, qa.php, user_qa.php, livehelp.php and lang-swedish.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- None ... Version 2.13.1: (Released: November 27, 2006) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Fixed javascript error with script tag which was preventing the chat from working in Internet Explorer 7.0 - Fixed auto invite for none-department generated code. - Fixed undefined variable in hide/show departments. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- is_xmlhttp.php, setup.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- None. Version 2.13.0: (Released: November 15, 2006) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Added a basic chat request queue system by adding a new section in the list of users called "Chat Requests" with list of chat requests waiting for an operator with time of the request listed next to the user. - Re-arranged " Chatting Users" section to be ordered by operator and then list which chats that operator is currently involved in below their operator name. - Updated Operator History page to show Total time monitoring traffic, total time logged in and total time chatting. - Added links in Operator history page to transcripts of the chats - Added option to re-name ipaddress usernames for active chat sessions where no questions are asked before the chat. - updated "chat colors" window to show the usernames of the chatters with the color of their text. - Fixed Bug with non-department generated code always showing live help as offline. - Fixed Issue with mod_security and requests with the string "http://" or "https://" inside the querystring for page and referer values. - Fixed max int issue with incrementing timestamp value by one.. - Fixed issue with the usernames for operators being changed to operatorname_1 , operatorname_2 , using the windows client - Fixed paging issue with department transcripts (bug #1589448 ) FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- admin_users_refresh.php, user_questions.php, user_connect.php, user_chat_flush.php, livehelp.php, gc.php , logout.php, navigation.php, livehelp_js.php, data_transcripts.php, functions.php, visitor_common.php, operators_history.php, images.php , admin_chat_bot.php, admin_actions.php, setup.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- None. Version 2.12.9: (Released: May 1, 2006) -================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Fixed Insecure smilies when using HTTPS mode for chat. - Removed "|" character from transfered title and referer pages as it seemed to cause some servers not to show the online/offline image.. - Generated HTML code (non-javascript) now opens in a new window. - fixed bug with commas in converted urls - added fix for mod_security with questions marks in query string. - Added option to hide selected departments from department listing page. - Fixed bug with closed session page always showing the default departments header. - increase default wait time for time out from 1 minute to 5 minutes. - Fixed Extra space that appears at the bottom of image when no "powered by" image is selected. - Added additional support for Windows application via client_visitors.php - Added links to new Windows App and New Support Packages in overview index. - Limited the sizes of the title, referer and url in the javascript query to live help to fix problem with long SEO title tags overflowing the page request. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- navigation.php, livehelp_js.php, setup.php, wentaway.php, choosedepartment.php, departments.php, visitor_common.php, image.php, user_bot.php, functions.php, external_bot.php, admin_chat_bot.php, htmltags.php, client_visitors.php , gc.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `livehelp_departments` ADD `visible` INT( 1 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL ; Version 2.12.8: (Released: February 28, 2006) =================================================================== CHANGE OVERVIEW: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added ability to Track PATH a visitors have taken on site. You can now track where people go from any selected page and what percentage of the traffic goes to that page. - Added ability to invite based on time online - Added options in Department settings to enable or disable smilies for visitors window. - Admin now defaults to use PHP sessions rather then cookies. Helps with some users not being able to log in. - Re-named "XML HTTP" to "AJAX" .. seems this has become the buzz word for XML HTTP requests.. It is the same thing I have been doing for 3 years just named different these days. - Added Fix for https secure operator chats giving secure/insecure notice errors when logging in. - Canned messages are now appended to currently typed text rather then replacing the text. - Fixed spacing issues with answers to questions on beinging of chat. - Added support for special norwegian letters for xml http requests. - fixed some small spelling errors.. - fixed issue with $ signs in the password... - added langage file for Portuguese_Portugal - fixed javascript error with undefined object. - Added option to filter query string requsts for modsecurity.. Also title, referer and page name are all filtered for non-printable chars. - added more filters for email headers to avoid spam attacks. - Added notices on tracking referers and page visits from generate html page. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- department_function.php, setup.php, departments.php, user_bot.php, mastersettings.php, data_visits.php, htmltags.php, data_paths.php, data_clean.php, admin_users_refresh.php, functions.php, livehelp_js.php, data.php, visitor_common.php, user_questions.php, security_functions.php, lostsheep.php, leavemessage.php,user_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_chat_xmlhttp.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE `livehelp_paths_firsts` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `visit_recno` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `exit_recno` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `dateof` int(8) NOT NULL default '0', `visits` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `visit_recno` (`visit_recno`,`dateof`,`visits`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; CREATE TABLE `livehelp_paths_monthly` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `visit_recno` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `exit_recno` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `dateof` int(8) NOT NULL default '0', `visits` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `visit_recno` (`visit_recno`,`dateof`,`visits`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; ALTER TABLE `livehelp_departments` ADD `smiles` CHAR( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'; Version 2.12.7: (Released: December 2, 2005) ============================================================================ CHANGE OVERVIEW: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added check to prevent/remove duplicate sessions with same sessionID. - Fixed undefined notices in data_messages. - charset bug with having UTF-8 (I guess I can not win) seems to work for me now. - added missing html tag for charset on admin_chat_bot.php and external_bot.php FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup.php, functions.php, data_messages.php, lang/lang-*.php, admin_chat_bot.php and external_bot.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No database alterations. Version 2.12.6: (Released: November 16, 2005) ============================================================================ CHANGE OVERVIEW: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed minor HTML Insertion problem with users Questions - Fixed another charset bug with typing preview not showing correctly for characters like " å ä ö " etc... and jsut showing " ? ? ? " Also changed default encoding to UTF-8 - Fixed extra slash in the path to the live help online image and leave a message image. - When Hide icon when not online is enabled there is no longer the 2X6 transparent gif showing.. nothing appears. - Added option to not focus for external chat windows. - Count of current visitors online is now increased to the count of visitors active in the past 4 minutes rather then last 2 minutes. - Charset on copyright fixed. FILES CHANGED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- almost all the files had changes in this release... it would be best to replace all files. DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No database alterations. Version 2.12.5: (Released: September 30, 2005) ============================================================================ CHANGE OVERVIEW: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed charset bug with typing preview not showing correctly for some languages (was showing encoded chars like %02%0s etc..) - Fixed bug where if non-department specific code is generated the javascript icon was sometimes showing offline rather then online due to program picking status of the operators from the default department rather then any department. - Fixed issue with sound alert playing multiple times when more then one visitors shows up or more then one chat request was made at the same time. - Added ability for operators with non-admin access to change their own password/details. - Removed unneeded javascript from Dynamic Dyo libraries. - Update all translation files - Added 2 new layer invites - Fixed 2 images on brown color template that were incorrect. - Expanded the layer invite size to allow bigger layer images to be used. It was clipping them before. - Type of view was not being passed for the paging links for data referers this is fixed. - When a new department is created all users with admin access are now auto added to that department. - Added ability for visitor to be notified that the operator is currently typing text WITHOUT the full text preview option. - added number of hidden visitors for operators to see number of visitors outside their own department that are online. - Limited permissions so that Operators can only view transcripts and messages of the Departments that they belong to in the data tab. - Fixed bug with new departments being created without a e-mail box but having e-mail required.. also fixed SQL error on auto creating e-mail if e-mail functions are enabled but no e-mail field exists. - Added "Restricted" and "Live Help Only" access option for operators who should only see "live help" and "data" (which is "Restricted") or only see the Live Help tab and nothing else which is "Live Help only" - fixed image type error in functions.php for non-gif images. FILES CHANGED: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lang/lang-*.php, functions.php, modules.php, navigation.php, admin_options.php, departments.php, operators.php, login.php, scratch.php, data.php, admin_common.php, leavemessage.php, livehelp_js.php, department_function.php, data_transcripts.php, csv.php, data_messages.php, external_bot.php, admin_chat_bot.php admin_users_refresh.php, external_chat_xmlhttp.php, image.php, setup.php, user_chat_xmlhttp.php, admin_chat_xmlhttp.php, visitor_common.php, user_bot.php , xmlhttp.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `livehelp_users` CHANGE `showtype` `showtype` INT( 10 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL Version 2.12.4: (Released: August 27, 2005) ============================================================================ CHANGE OVERVIEW: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated setup to auto detect old version and upgrade easy without re-inputting anything. (See UPGRADE.txt ) - Updated Translations for : Spanish, French, Portuguese Brazilian, German, Italian, and Swedish. - Fixed issue with Path slashes being the wrong way for WINDOWS hosted users this caused layer invites, smilies, and languages to not work on windows servers. - removed name from "From:" header in leaveamessage which was causing some IIS servers to hickup. - If no department is specified all operators can now see the visitor. - Changed choose a department page to have online/offline "lights" layout - Fixed issue with loosing session ID if using PHP version 4.1.0 or earlier. - Added top header graphics to session closed and choose department pages. - Added Ability to order the listing of departments on the choose a department page. - Fixed Ability to send invites based on page currently visiting. - Added ability to collapse list of chatters the same way as visitors. FILES CHANGED: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- lang/lang-Spanish.php , lang/lang-French.php ,lang/lang-Portuguese_Brazilian.php , lang/lang-German.php ,lang/lang-Swedish.php , functions.php, choosedepartment.php, leaveamessage.php, setup.php, config_cslh.php smile.php, admin_common.php, autoinvite.php, edit_layer.php, edit_smile.php layer.php, mastersettings.php, departments.php , department_function.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE `livehelp_departments` ADD `ordering` INT( 5 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL Version 2.12.3: (Released: August 7, 2005) ============================================================================ CHANGE OVERVIEW: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed XML HTTP to not use POST requests for older browsers( caused white screens or non-responsive chats for users using old browsers including Netscape 6 and some AOL browsers. XHTML now uses GET requests rather then POST requests. - Fixed bug with updating existing image maps and having them update in the database. - Fixed bug with French Language file which stopped chat from working. - Fixed some updefined indexes in the keyword archiving function. - If not sending messages by e-mail on the leave a messages option you can now not require the e-mail field. - Updated the way that sound was embeded for alerting of chats to use bgsound if Ie or opera - changed the Interval to 2 seconds rather then 3 seconds for update requests in the chat. FILES CHANGED: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- external_frameset.php, functions.php, external_chat_xmlhttp.php admin_chat_xmlhttp.php, user_chat_xmlhttp.php, setup.php leavemessage.php, login.php, image.php, edit_layer.php, admin_users_refresh.php, javascript/xmlhttp.js DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No database alterations. Version 2.12.2: (Released: July 10, 2005) ============================================================================ CHANGE OVERVIEW: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug where if a user has two different pages open monitored by crafty syntax the page visits no longer get into a loop between the two different pages opened. - The clear screen icon on client side of chat now works :-) - small issue with animated arrows on admin navigation is fixed. - Updated default values on installation to have '0' rather then now() for bigint fields in livehelp_users which solves some mysql installation issues. - Fixed issue with cut off username php field in advanced options. - Fixed bug with [+] sign on the data tabs not working for earlier months - Erase transcripts via clean-up tab now works. - Referer and Page visit tracking is default 'N' (Off) in setup.php - Updated Language files to include more text - The number of pings was off by a factor of 2 so pinging the visitor was being done twice as long then set. This is fixed. FILES CHANGED: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- data_functions.php , data_clean.php , navigation.php , data_messages.php data_referers.php , data_users.php , data_transcripts.php , image.php data_visits.php , gc.php , livehelp_js.php , htmltags.php setup.php DATABASE ALTERATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added a index on page in livehelp_visit_track and In the installation livehelp_users fields lastaction and chataction have been changed to default '0' rather then default now() this I believe only changes new installations as old installs seem to have auto turned the now() into 0. Also changed the defaults for tracking, reftracking, and keywordtrack to 'N' : ALTER TABLE `livehelp_visit_track` ADD INDEX ( `page` ) lastaction BIGINT(14) DEFAULT '0' chataction BIGINT(14) DEFAULT '0' `tracking` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N', `reftracking` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N', `keywordtrack` char(1) NOT NULL default 'N', Version 2.12.1: (Released: June 22, 2005) ============================================================================ CHANGE OVERVIEW: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a SQL problem with the keyword tracking sql queries. For a quick fix to version 2.12.0 find line #1434 in functions.php and change it from: $keywords = str_replace("'","",$keywords); to $keywords = filter_sql(str_replace("'","",$keywords)); - converted a few short hand php tags "close_connection() - one too many parameters in identiy() function call which was causing Windows servers to not know the function identity() - repeating auto invite message fixed. UPDATES: - auto-invite messages sent to the client are now cleared before chat session begins. - Added resource limits for number of times to ping visitor to save resources. - added options in code generation to control pinging, php sessions and using hostip sessions. version 2.9.4: (Released: 11-08-04) ====================================== BUG FIXES: - Undefined variable in operators.php when creating a new operator is fixed. - If a chat session is stopped using the new checkbox method the channels were not deleted.. this is fixed. - fixed issue with refresh mode not showing the connecting page. - If the department was set to not ask questions upon the chat request the user was just getting the connecting page. this is fixed. - In the page visit foot prints the first page visited was being counted twice this is fixed. - fixed bug with when creating a new department the module selections and ordering not getting saved. UPDATES: - Changed the way the continous mode refreshes so that it does not refresh unless it has been inactive for more then 300 seconds. - Removed DHTML image height and width so that the DTHML invite image can be any size - A bunch of minor changes were made such as ip address showing in the auto invite, changing the html code generator to place the code in a textarea rather then html box, too much buffering in the chat pages when nothing is being said, scroll up on chat always scrolling when nothing is being said, etc... FEATURES: - Added Javascript pinging to open chat to tell if the client closes the chat. if a client closes the chat window the operator now knows within a minute that the client has closed the chat box (will shorten the time in a later release) - added ability to add checkboxes to help request and leave a message. - Added German translation. - Added ability to transfer a chat session to another department. version 2.9.3: (Released: 10-28-04) ====================================== BUG FIXES: - Fixed javascript error which occured when layer invite was shown and closed and then the visitor clicked on the live help icon. - Separated out the code that displays the messages from the DHTML layer code this helped fix the issue with messages disapearing if a writelayer is deleted at the same time a message is inserted.. - Auto invite messages not marked as Active were being shown to the visitors. this has been fixed so that only active auto invite options are shown. - There was a refresh issue with operators being able to talk to eachother.. This is fixed. - Operators who are not part of a department now no longer see chatters in that department unless they are transfered to their department. - User is Typing messages with the "
" string are now omited. Happens when javascript monitoring sends the text right before it is submitted. - When offline is selected in the chat monitor, the auto invite is now turned off for that user. - Windows timestamp field is different then unix timestamp this caused some installations to have the session close for a chatting user right after it opened. This is fixed. - Livehelp_channels table was not getting cleaned of old channels.. this is fixed.. - If no operator answers a call after the time limit for a call to be ansered is reached the client is not redirected to the offline tab.. this is fixed. - Fixed bug with txt-db-api offset value due to missing default value field 9 in livehelp_questions. UPDATES: - added a frame break on the live help box to avoid double frames.. - the "user is typing" feature now does not show messages typed by self. (the client does not see his/her own typing and you do not see your own typing) - If two operators answer the same call then the second operator gets a message that the call has already been answered and if they would like to join the chat or not. FEATURES: - added chat color to the grayed out tabs of the users who are not chatting. - add option to hide operator typing from clients - Changed "Entered Chat" to Operator greeting defined by operators. - Added ability to and a photo of the operator to the greeting. version 2.9.2: (Released: 10-11-04) ================= BUG FIXES: - On the leave a message page the hidden input variable for department was missing this caused departments other then the default department not to work correctly. This is fixed. - Chat messages posted within a second of eachother sometimes were not shown becuase the messages were being shown by timestamp. The messages are now shown by auto id and timestamp to fix this. - sound for the alert of a visitor was not working in version 2.9.1 . it is fixed. FEATURES: - Added Dutch translation. - Fields can be marked as Required in the leave a message module and chat request. version 2.9.1: (Released: 10-06-04) ================= BUG FIXES: - On some servers SQL queries could not contain multiple queries in one sql command.. This prevented livehelp_questions from being created and some people not able to install version 2.9.0. This is fixed in this version. - javascript error with moving DHTML layer fixed. - if an operator creates a new user and then logs in as that new user using the same session that they were using before both users used to share the same session. this has been fixed as log as you log out. UPDATES: - Changed default settings in install to include e-mail and message as default for questions and Default to leavemessage.php for default to when offline setting. - Added ability to change the text shown at the top of leave a message page under department settings. - Added Spanish and Portuguese_Brazilian translations. version 2.9.0: (Released: 10-02-04) ================= BUG FIXES: - Issue with visitors from same network sharing sessions is fixed. - Fixed bug with monthly totals for the previous month being added to current months total in the referers tables. Also fixed string issue with selecting months on the data pages. - Special HTML characters are now escaped on the operators side unless checkbox to allow HTML is checked. Solves issue with some text "dissapearing" if it happens to - Imagemap in departments settings page is now used. It was hardcoded to the default imagemap before so it did not matter what was entered. - If two javascript live help icons are placed on the same HTML page they used to share the same department id. This is fixed. UPDATES: - Changed connecting image to not look like the user is downloading something. - Solved issue with online/offline image being cached and incorrect status icon to the cached user on some browsers. - Added SessionID to user table to identify the user rather then just using the ip address and hostname. - Code comments and format have been changed to use PHPDocumentor please see: - converted short hand php tags to long hand.. (close_connect(); version 1.5: (Released: 05-02-03) ================= - Added Manual installation directions and sql dump of initial database for users who have a hard time running the setup. - changed livehelp.js to use a global webpath var that is easily changed at the top of the file. - Fixed the issue with the text area not getting selected if the window focus is called. - Fixed issue with color staying Red for the users rather then alternating to a new color. - Had to remove the txt-db-api database option until I have a chance to fully de-bug it. - did a little bit of general code cleaning version 1.4: (Released: 05-01-03) ================= - Auto focus to textarea box after submitting message - Auto select last person who was sent a message for send to: - Auto Submit send when Return is pressed. - Auto focus chat window when they type something. This way you can minmize the window and so something else while they type. - fixed issue with user end chat not scrolling to absolute bottom of page. - Added a Clear button to clear out the chat screen. - fixed version field type (should be float) in config also fixed upgrade script. version 1.3: (Released: 04-30-03) ================= - combined chatting users and current visitors frames into one frame. Tried to use DHTML to now have to re-load the users frame but as it turns out IE does not like to load two frames infinitly at the same time.. WTF.. I have the code there but commented out. - added a field to `livehelp_config` ADD `use_flush ` VARCHAR( 10 ) DEFAULT 'YES' NOT NULL ; - fixed upgrade in setup.php so that older version users can upgrade to new version. - added support for non-flush() servers. Servers that insist on buffering the output until the entire page is loaded... - When you click on log out it marks your status now as offline.. - ================= ================= ================= ================= version 1.2: (Released: 04-28-03) ================= - As it turns out The HTTP Authentication hooks in PHP are only available when it is running as an Apache module and is hence not available in the CGI version which was causing internal server error on a few peoples installations. I re-programmed user_access.php to use a cookie login. - get_magic_quotes_gpc is now used instead of get_ini to see if the user has magic quotes on or off and a new extraction is used in config.php to extract the global vars and add slashes. (I like magic quotes) - Added a LOG OUT button to allow operators to close the admin. - took out javascript alert for new user in chat and replaced with java sound wav. - added referer to the details of the user.. I will make it look better in a later version... - Fixed issue with leave a messsage window always poping up if the user was requested for a chat then went away and then came back again when the operator was not around.. - added additional check in setup to make sure users with txt-db-api can write to their text database. ================= ================= ================= ================= version 1.1: (Released: 04-27-03) ================= - Added installation directions and change log txt files. - Added support for new $_POST $_GET and $_COOKIE that replace the $HTTP_*_VARS in newer versions of php. - Created a new field in livehelp_operator_channels table called "bgcolor" of type varchar (10). This field allows me to color code the users to allow it to be easier to separate the chatting users.. - Fixed bug with the leave a message script where the e-mail from address was not being sent. - Fixed bug with users entering in the same username or name as an already exisiting user. - Fixed issue with the "new user in chat" prompt showing before the user enters their name if ask for name option is selected. - magic quotes for words with apostrophes - If user selects not to have the leave the message option on and no one is online the credit line remained. Took that image out if leave a message is not enabled. ================= ================= ================= ================= version 1.0: (Released: 04-21-03) ================= - This was the first release of the program everything was new :-)