Welcome to the Quest Funding Services Investor's Section.

Note:  This section is being revamped.

Regulation D, Sections 504-506, et al, certain investors defined some funding offers "private placements". These may be exempt from complicated and extensive securities registration and regulation if the offerings are limited, primarily, to investors proven to be "experienced" and/or "accredited". See the excepts of the regulations, below, which define those investors. Private placements are not permitted to be broadly/generally advertised, and a pre-existing retationship must exist between the investor(s) and the entity making the offer.

In order to comply with those regulations, we require that investors interested in funding some offerings submit information that will allow verification that they are "experianced" and/or "accredited" investors, as defined below.  Then, a waiting period will be required before access is granted to the restricted, investor-only section of this website...during which period Quest and the investor can establish a relationship.

After accredidation, and that waiting period has transpired, an investor username/password will be issued and the, investor will have access this section which contains offerings, information, forms and documents that are solely for the use of those accredited investors. This procedure is necessary to keep Quest Funding and the investors in compliance with the federal securities regulations that pertain to some funding offerings.

Sections 501(a) of Regulation D, issued by the SEC under the US Securities Acts of 1933/34, as amended, defines individual "accredited investors" as those who meet one or both of the following:
  • Possess a net worth, or joint net worth with a spouse, in excess of $1,000,000.
  • Have individual income, in each of the two most recent years,
    • in excess of $200,000, 
    • or joint income with a spouse in excess of $300,000, and 
    • Have a reasonable expectation of reaching the same income level, as above, in the current year.
Accredited investors are eligible to receive offers, called "private placements", that are exempt from SEC registration because the offerings meet the constraints of Sections 504-506 of Regulation D. There are other entities that are considered accredited investors. Click here for a complete list. In that list is also found the definition of an "experienced investor", as SEC sees them.

About Private Placements:
When capital is raised via private rather than public means, it is often desirable to limit the time, effort and expense that would be required for a general offering. This process can often serve the needs of those who are seeking private mortgages. The securities laws allow these private placements provided the investors are of sufficient net worth and experience, and a pre-existing relationship exists between the entity making the offer and the investor(s). If those conditions exist, SEC registration is not required. The costs, effort and time frame for the placements can be significantly reduced. This waiver of various  regulations is commonly called a "safe harbor" provision.

In private placements, a formal prospectus is waived, and the financial information may not be as detailed as in a general offering. It is anticipated that "experienced" and/or “accredited" investors are better prepared to assess the potential risks/rewards of such offering with less information. They are also in a better position to absorb a potential loss. Obviously, it is anticipated that ”. For qualified investors, private placements can be an investment alternative that offers significant total returns commensurate with the risk.